Why you don’t want to talk about Eliza Dushku, but you should.
You guys, I don’t want to break your hearts, but it’s time to have a come to Jesus about the news this weekend. Eliza Dushku announced...

What Sarah Silverman knows about responding to trolls that can help you in your business
On December 28, last year, Sarah Silverman had a brilliant exchange with a troll on her Twitter account, and you've probably seen the...

Could Rose McGowan sue for sexual harassment because of episodes of Charmed on Netflix? Could #youto
I am not proud to tell you I started watching Charmed earlier this year. It was just after Rose McGowan told us about Harvey Weinstein,...

Use Oprah’s Golden Globes acceptance speech to write your career mission statement.
On Sunday evening, I was flying home from Washington D.C., and as the plane landed in Portland, my phone was blowing up with updates...

Exciting news! (and what does 2018 hold for you?)
If you know someone who has worked her way to the top of her field, but now harassment is keeping her from moving forward and enjoying her s

Why you deserve to be happy.
Happiness is just a feeling. It is a vibration in our bodies. Happiness is created by our thoughts. That means you have control over...

"I don't want to talk about it."
I've found that almost always the most sure sign I need to talk about something is when I really, really, really don't want to talk about...

Are you caught in a cycle?
Not to get too Lion King on you, but life happens in cycles. We are born, we live, we die. Winter turns to spring, turns to summer, turns...

When they ask, "Have you thought about leaving?" (5 actionable steps to creating safety)
I have a dear friend who was in crisis last week. I went with her to try to get help in a mental health evaluation from the emergency...

Boundaries 101
When we are tolerating behavior we don't like, it can be because there is a boundary problem. More often it is because we are hooking our...