Strategies That Get Results
If you have worked hard to get to where you are in your career, but you’re worried you’re going to have to give up everything you’ve...

Your Own Best Advocate... Is You
“So, should I bring a case?” I hear you ask. As with all things in the law, the answer is “It depends.” (Now you know the secret to why...

The Importance of Having a Confidential Reporting System in Place
“It took a lot of courage for me to come forward and to work with a therapist to get where I am today. I’m not sure I would have ever...

Thoughts, Feelings, Action
Most of us want to feel good all the time. That makes sense – it sucks to feel fear, loneliness, shame, or grief. But, we run into...

Strategic Thinking: Take Back Your Power to Achieve Your Goals
When I create a personalized career defense plan with my VIP clients, one of the most important steps we take is to map out the results...

Your Personal Career Defense Toolkit
Talking about your experience and being open to other perspectives is the most important way to make change. Be open to other people...

You Are Here*: Labeling the Problem In Your Workplace Culture
I remember that when the harassment I was experiencing was at its most extreme, I lost all ability to even appreciate a warm house on a...

3 Steps to Creating Healthy Workplace Culture
Diversity of identities and perspectives is good for problem solving, for reaching new audiences, good for business, and is essential in...

Sexual Harassment and the Law
Let's dive into Strategy 1: Law. Whether or not you are asking in the back of your mind, “Do I have a legal case?” it will help you to...

Seven Strategies to Stop Harassment and Advance in Fulfilling Work
It is important to be deliberate and strategic in the way we talk about and deal with sexual harassment. In Career Defense 101 (my first...